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The Bible Effect is a ministry of Youth With A Mission (YWAM) International.
Chapters 1:1-18
Perseverance: The Path to Maturity and Life
Chapters 1:19-2:25
Faith Without Works is Dead
Chapters 3:1-18
Taming the Tongue
Chapters 4:1-5:11
Humility: Avoiding the Path to Death
Chapters 5:12-5:20
Final Exhortations
Author: James, the half-brother of Jesus
Original Readers: Jewish Christian refugees, scattered in and beyond Judea
Date Written: c. AD 44
Written From: Jerusalem
Key Verse: 1:2-4; 1:22
Major Themes: Perseverance, Faith and Works, Speech, Rich and Poor
There’s no better way to understand the literary context than carefully observing what is said.
In light of both the literary and historical context, what was the original intended meaning of this passage?
In order for us to grow and mature more into Christ’s likeness, we must apply the truths we discover in our lives.
In this video, we examine the reasons why James and other New Testament authors tend to speak harshly towards the wealthy and what the Bible would have us understand about money, regardless of the amount in our bank account.
1:26-27 James is not using “religion” here in a negative sense, as a synonym for legalism. Instead, its meaning here is similar to “godliness” or “spirituality.”
The message of James’ letter is challenging, especially his apparent contradiction of Paul’s teaching on justification by faith and not works of the law (Rom 3:28). Here we explore whether or not James and Paul fundamentally disagree on the basis of our justification.
4:2 The original readers are probably not literally killing each other. James is simply communicating the seriousness of fights, quarrels, and anger, not unlike Jesus did in the Sermon on the Mount (Matt 5:21-26).
4:11-12 To help interpret these verses, look up what the law says about how to treat your neighbor in Leviticus 19:16 and 19:18.
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The Bible Effect is a ministry of Youth With A Mission (YWAM) International.
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