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The Bible Effect is a ministry of Youth With A Mission (YWAM) International.
Chapters 1:1 – 3:13
Paul’s Love for the Thessalonians
Chapters 4:1 – 5:28
God’s Will = Your Sanctification Defense
Author: Paul the Apostle
Original Readers: the Church in Thessalonica
Date Written: AD 50/51
Written From: Corinth
Key Verse: 3:13
Major Themes: the Coming of the Lord; Pleasing God; Persecution; Sanctification
There’s no better way to understand the literary context than carefully observing what is said.
In light of both the literary and historical context, what was the original intended meaning of this passage?
In order for us to grow and mature more into Christ’s likeness, we must apply the truths we discover in our lives.
This passage from 1 Thessalonians 4 is one that has evoked a wide variety of feelings amongst Christians; from excitement to fear, or even straight up confusion. What is this passage referring to? In this video we look at two main approaches that Christians take with this passage.
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The Bible Effect is a ministry of Youth With A Mission (YWAM) International.
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